
why i choose MIT?

In the previous entry, I've been babbling about the MIT stuffs. Well, ade certain sebab kenapa aku pilih MIT, compared to other university such as Harvard ke, Cambridge ke, takpun Oxford.


MIT OpenCourseware - Free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT. No registration required.

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology yang terletak kat Cambridge,US adalah universiti ke-4 terbaik di dunia pada tahun 2010 selepas 1-Harvard University, 2-University of California, dan 3-Stanford University.

advanced calculus demystified : ch. 4 - integration

 -- Triple integral = limit of the sum of the product of the function times the volume of the rectangular solids.

The sum is taken over the rectangular solids included in the solid Q and lim is taken to mean the limit as the side length of the rectangular solid.

+ To find the limits of the one with respect to z, we fix x and y and observe that z can range from one limit to another.

advanced calculus demystified : ch. 2 - fundamentals of advanced calculus

Eg.              lim          f (x,y) = f (a,b)
            (x,y) -> (a,b)

-- Avoid points outside domain,like
 + Divison by zero (x/0)
 + Square roots of negative (-x^.5)
 + Logs of nonpositive numbers (log -x)
 + Tangents of odd multiples of π/2

In these case, function do not exist, and certainly not continuous. If exist, it may not have a limit. And if the function & the limit exist, the point may not be equal.


because i/he/she/you a muslim

The flash file is about 1.1MB, so please wait kindly while the file being downloaded. Your patience is greatly appreciated. Credit to Nayzak for hosting the file on deviantart.

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you,

Hope this little interactive flash will enlighten you about what Islam had been called these days.

Thank you for your time. If anyone wants to spread it, feel free to do so for the purpose to explain and let the people understand us.

Peace be to you.

math reference formula

Here is the list of the calculus formula. hope it will help you in your work.^_^


currently reading : Advanced Calculus Demystified

Haha, ceria kan design cover page buku ni? Tapi bila tengok tajuk, mesti ramai yang pangkah. Isi hati mereka mungkin lebih kurang seperti "Alamak,calculus....aku dah la tak minat matematik,apetah lagi calculus...nak2 yang advanced...mati aku macam ni..." ataupun "Calculus? Lupakan lah....memang bukan minat aku..."